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Best walks and hikes in Perth


Perth is blessed with a plethora of nature not only on the coastline but through the hills and plains which make up most of Perth. The city has heaps to see and do in many different ways. Hiking is one of them, it’s a fun activity that gives you a great sense of achievement when completed, allows you to take in the fresh air, and gives you a renewed appreciation for what nature has to offer. Here are some of my favorite walks and hikes around Perth which I’m sure you’ll agree will give spectacular results.

Bibbulmun Track

A walk along Bibbulmun Track is a must-do when in Perth, it’s one of the world’s most famous trails that stretches from Kalamunda in the Darling Ranges, through Perth and all the way to Albany on the southern coast. The hike first climbs up into Perth along with Greenmount Hill on a bush track that takes you through beautiful fern gullies and then gets on the usual walking track for some time. Don’t be disappointed by this as it’s still very scenic as it follows along creeks and through bushland; the track then goes off onto some large open plains with fantastic views of Perth. The highlight would be at Kalamunda where you get an extra 3 to 4 hours of walking along the Bibbulmun Track before returning back to Perth. Within this section, there are plenty of hills that give you great cardio, but the reward is worth it. The walk finishes following the Swan River back into Perth where you get to see some nice views of the river and then onto Kings Park through beautiful woodlands before reaching the city center for a well-earned dinner or drink!

Perth Hills Bush Walk

The Perth Hills bush walk is a fantastic hike through the hills out of Perth. It takes you along trails with some great views, through forested areas and gives you the choice to choose how long you’d like to walk for. This hike has two sections; one starting at Ellenbrook (Northlink) train station which goes right up into the hills and finishes at Bedfordale Hill which is about 12km’s if you do the whole thing. The second section starts at Dwellingup train station; it takes you into the hills through beautiful forested areas before finishing at the Hovea Falls lookout (about 5 km). If you like to spend more time in nature this hike gives some great results and shouldn’t be overlooked.

Hills Walking Tracks

Perth is well known for its fantastic views and there’s no better way to see them than by getting up high and hiking the hills. There are a few different tracks through Perth that give you great results: Greenmount Track, Swan View Terrace Track, Rottnest Island, Mundaring Weir, Mount Henry Bridge, Blue Gum Forest Walk, and many more. All are fantastic walks that give you great cardio while taking in the beautiful scenery of Perth. These are all must-do’s when in Perth especially if you want to get fit or see what Perth has to offer through a different perspective!


The oceanside town of Bunbury is located just over two hours south of Perth. It’s one of the most beautiful places in Western Australia close to beaches, rainforests, and rivers. There are plenty of walks to choose from when in Bunbury; I recommend the walk along Moolyeen Track which takes you through a stunning rainforest filled with wildlife and great views of the ocean-side. The other two walks I’d recommend are both along Sommerville Road; one takes you to Diamond Tree which offers fantastic views of the town, liveliness, and wildlife while the second walk will take you through a beautiful forest to a lookout with spectacular views across Bunbury and beyond!


There are plenty of walks to choose from in Perth but these are definitely some of the best. If you’re into nature or cardio then I guarantee that each walk will be memorable and give you great results! Perth is a great place to visit if you’re into nature, views, fitness, and love hiking, there’s no better place for exploring. After reading this article, if you think you would appreciate some company, you can try out the Perth Escorts at Ivy Societe.
