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Not All Biometrics are Created Equal: Why FIDO2 Passwordless Authentication is Top of the Line



Technology is involved in almost every part of modern life, and with our world’s rapid digitalization, it has become increasingly challenging to safeguard personal information. Data security mechanisms such as keys and passwords are no longer adequate. Passwords, in reality, offer a significant weakness in a company’s security system owing to their ease of sharing and breaking. Biometric security is a kind of security that verifies people’s physical or behavioral features to identify them. It is presently the most powerful and accurate physical security solution for digital identity verification. Biometrics are primarily employed in security systems where theft is a risk or when physical security is vital. Fingerprints, voice, retinal patterns, face recognition, and hand patterns are examples of such features stored in such systems.

Fingerprint sensors are the most often utilized biometric security technology in physical access. This is owing to their reduced cost, yet, high-security situations often utilize iris recognition systems for the highest accuracy. More and more businesses understand the advantages that biometric identity verification and security devices can provide in safeguarding physical surroundings and securing computers and commercial support. Unauthorized personnel must be stopped from accessing security networks and systems on business premises. Furthermore, to comply with rules, it must be assured that only certain workers have access to sensitive information and that workflow protocols are strictly adhered to. Passwords are not suitable for sensitive data since coworkers may share them. Organizations may instead utilize biometrics to control server or computer access.

Companies that deploy biometric security systems benefit from exceptional precision and unprecedented protection of sensitive data. When fingerprints, retinal scans, and iris patterns are appropriately collected, they provide entirely distinct data sets. Automatic identification may be conducted universally, rapidly, and with no training when an employee or user is registered in a biometric security system. Physical traits are distinct and stable, even among siblings and twins. A person’s biometric identification may replace or at least enhance password systems for phones, computers, and restricted locations. After a person’s biometric data has been collected and matched, the system stores it to be matched with future access attempts. Typically, biometric data is encrypted and kept on the device or a distant server.

Below is an infographic from LoginID entitled “Not All Biometrics are Created Equal: Why FIDO2 Passwordless Authentication is Top of the Line.”

