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How Much Does Bamboo Flooring Cost In 2021?


Bamboo flooring is getting popular and famous day by day as it is more conventional than hardwood flooring. Its characters show similarity to hardwood but are more demanding, eco-friendly, and maintainable. Bamboo isn’t wood, and it is a grass local to China that is chopped down into strips or strands, dried, and machined into deck boards. It is available in various sorts of styles, tones, and finishes.

Why is Bamboo used as a flooring material?

Bamboo has been recognized as an opportunity for ground flooring because of its typical associations with explicit hardwoods because of its strength, Eco friendly, stability, insects, and bugs repelling ability. Bamboo is more robust than wood, hence making it an entirely sustainable source of timber. Bamboo can be collected within 20-30 years for most forests. It doesn’t need to be re-planted as its roots stay still in the ground after cutting the bamboo.

Bamboo flooring can be availed in a mix of styles, shades, and surfaces, and considering the way that it is dimensionally strong to be used as a flooring material, it can be floated over an underlay, worked with underfloor heat, and placed in areas where condensation and heat change significantly.

Types of Bamboo Flooring available in the market:

  • Horizontal Bamboo Flooring:

In Horizontal Bamboo Flooring, layers of Bamboo have plunged altogether evenly to make the flooring of the surface. The bamboo grain is more noticeable as it looks good on the exterior part. Its price can range from the US $13.50-$25.00.

  • Vertical Bamboo Flooring:

In Vertical Bamboo Flooring, Layers of Bamboo are stacked vertically upward to make the flooring of the ground. The bamboo grain remains more transparent and unnoticeable from the outside. Its price can range from the US $13.00-$15.00.

  • Strand Woven Bamboo Flooring:

How much is bamboo flooring? Strands of Bamboo are stacked all together and pressured under extreme weight and heat to make the bamboo flooring. The bamboo grain is not apparent. Strand woven Bamboo is more robust than any hardwood floor. Its price can range from the US $13.50-$30.00.

Pros of Bamboo Flooring and how much is bamboo flooring for?

  • Bamboo Flooring is more durable than hardwood flooring. It can last up to 30-50 years.
  • Bamboo is more affordable than most hardwoods, native or foreign. At the buyer level, the cost of Bamboo per square foot goes from as low as $1.50 up to $7.00. 
  • In comparison to some extraordinary hardwoods, Bamboo requires not much work or maintenance. Simply cleaning isn’t even needed for these floorings.
  • Bamboo Flooring is eco-friendly. In hardwood flooring, the wood required is generally from 50-60 year trees. Cutting these trees and growing them again can take years, while in Bamboo, it’s much faster.
  • Many hardwood plants take years and years to grow, whereas Bamboo grows much faster than them.

Summing Up

To sum up, how much is bamboo flooring for and know that it is an advanced and new method of giving your home a stylish and tasteful glance at a much affordable cost than the hardwoods. Additionally, with the use of bamboo flooring, you are adding to the prosperity of the climate. 
