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Where are the most profitable affiliate programs?


At the moment, affiliate marketing is constantly evolving. Figures show that in 2018, this industry was worth over $ 12 billion worldwide. Most of the money comes from the US and the EU. After the United States, the countries that make the most profit from affiliate marketing are the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, the United Arab Emirates and Indonesia.

Affiliate marketing revenues are higher than the GDP of many countries, which helps you get an idea of ​​how profitable digital marketing is today.

About 15% of the revenue generated by online marketing comes from affiliate programs. Globally, they represent 10% of the ecommerce area. If you are wondering how much you earn from affiliate marketing , you should know that 50% of affiliates earn about $ 20,000 a year, 35% of them earn between $ 20,000 and $ 75,000, and 3.2% have an income of almost $ 150,000 a year.

The influencer who made the most money online through affiliate marketing is Jason Stone. He has earned $ 7 million in less than a year participating in affiliate programs for retail products. As you visit you will understand the kind of affiliate marketing process that you can opt for.

What does demographic data look like for affiliate marketing?

The countries with the most affiliate programs are the USA (57.44%), Canada (9.71%) and the UK (5.24%). These percentages show that if you master English, you are more likely to earn income from such a program. The target audience for this type of marketing is mostly in the US, the EU and the UK. Of those employed in an affiliate program, 54.23% are men and 42.97% are women.

What Are The Most Profitable Affiliate Marketing Industries?

The niche that has the most affiliate programs is the fashion (Fashion), followed by the sports equipment industry (Sports and Outdoors). The top includes health and beauty businesses (Health or Wellness and Beauty), but also travel.

What are the most popular resources for product promotion?

In terms of how to promote affiliate products, the figures are very close to the methods that hold the top positions. On the first place appear the SEO services (69.22%), on the second place are the social networks (67.32%), and on the third place are the blogs (64.48%). The next two positions are occupied by email marketing (41.47%) and Pay per Click area (34.28%).

In fact, SEO traffic has a conversion rate seven times higher than any other promotion method included in an affiliate program. It is very important that the platform you choose to promote the service or products of the brand you work with is optimized for mobile, since over 51% of customers say they have more confidence to buy from a site that looks good on mobile.


As you can see, the affiliate marketing industry is one of the safest and most effective ways to make money online right now. If you want to take part in an affiliate program, read the article in which we have compiled tricks for beginners in affiliate marketing. If you need tools to make your job easier, you can find over 10 effective tools here and here. Once you know this information, it will be easy for you to get a successful career in this field.

