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How to evict a tenant quickly


Keeping a tenant is quick and easy money. Plus, it also gives you company and social contacts. However, when enough is enough, and you have no other choice but to evict your tenant quickly, then it becomes a problem legally as well as emotionally.

Luckily, there are ways you can evict your tenant quickly without raising the issue to a disturbing level. It would be in both of your best interests to employ these methods and have a safe termination.

Talking with your tenant

Evicting your tenant is a big decision, and you should think twice before doing so. It will not only affect you, your family, and the tenant but also others close to you. When there is no other way for you to survive but do this, then you should try and have a serious talk with your tenant first. If a solution can be reached with diplomatic means, then there is no harm in trying peaceful negotiations first. If you can’t come to an agreement, then you can prepare a 60-Day Notice to Vacate for your tenant.

Remember, words are power. Approach the talks with a clear mind.

Select the time period

You need to give your tenant time to evacuate the place they are living in. To move into a new place in a span of two to five days is a nearly impossible task. There is so much that needs to be considered before moving in. You need to give them at least a month and a half to find a new place to live. If you urgently want them out, then you should provide at least a two weeks’ notice.

Don’t provide too much time or you could lose a lot of money.

Prepare a solid case

You need to have a solid reason for kicking out your tenant. It cannot be something as petty as not liking them or a few noise issues. The problem needs to be serious.  In many cases, early termination may even result in a lawsuit against you, so be prepared to fight. Having a solid case in your favor would help you gain points in the court. In many cases, it may also cause your tenant to back down on their own violations.

Two good causes for eviction are for the health of you or the neighbors or for environmental issues.

Read the local laws

Every U.S. state has different laws controlling what you and your tenant can and cannot do. You need to thoroughly read your state laws so that you don’t get in hot water. Making certain you know your own lease or rental agreement very well also helps. You can have someone look for loopholes to clear your name. Remember, you need to keep your own name clean to be able to attract future customers and tenants to your rental place. Doing things legally is the best way to ensure the safety of your name and honor in society.


You might want to look into the law concerning renovations of your property. According to the law in many places, a property can be evacuated if it’s in need of repair or reconstruction. As tenants make it impossible for you to be able to renovate your property, you can have your property evacuated and file an eviction notice. You will need to give them some time to move into new housing. However, you will have your place back in no time. Since rental housing regularly requires improvements and renovations, it is one of the best excuses to have your house evacuated.

A complaint

You can ask your tenant to evacuate a place if there is a complaint against his behavior or character from the neighbors or the other residents. You can also have them evacuated if they have a black mark on their record and they relapse. This is one of the most effective and legal methods to have your place evacuated by your tenants.

Be it more space, a space for your family or just being fed up with your current tenants, there can be various reasons for you to have your tenant evacuated quickly. Just remember to be careful and treat others as humans.
